Domain Chief

A modern domain registrar.

Thanks for already checking us out, we are in currently in private beta and not open to the public yet, check back later!

Features Domains. Simple. Powerful.

Register and transfer domains
This might be obvious, but with Domain Chief you can register and transfer domains with over 377 top level domains (from .nl to .app). We are constantly adding support for new top level domains, let us know if we are missing your favourite!

Easy to manage your portfolio
Setup default nameservers and multiple domain contacts (for the WHOIS data) and manage them all from one place so you are ready to register a domain in seconds. Search and filtering make it easy to find the domain you are looking for.

Free hosted DNS & DNSSEC
We offer free hosted DNS for all your domains, with DNSSEC. You can also give us a list of your own nameservers and (optionally) DNSSEC keys but the hosted option is there if you need it. Our DNS service also has import and export options to transfer your records from and to another service.

Free WHOIS privacy
For supported TLDs we allow you to enable WHOIS privacy for free, so your personal information is not publicly available in the WHOIS database or even shared with the organisation managing the top level domain. Instead generic Domain Chief contact is shared. The domain is still yours of course.

Free (sub-)domain redirects
Bought a cool domain like and want to redirect it to your long and hard to remember helpdesk site URL? No problem, we handle it for you with (free) automated certificates!

Thought of a cool domain name but not ready to use it yet? Park it with us and we'll show a simple page telling visitors to come back at a later date. We'll also ensure the domain cannot be used for spam by disabling mail sending.

Domain Chief is hosted in the EU and owned/operated by Chief Tools a Dutch company, fully GDPR-compliant.

No lock-in, no hidden fees and no surprises. You can transfer your domain to another registrar at any time, no questions asked. We of course hope you'll stay with us, but that doesn't mean we should make it hard for your domains to leave.

Not the features you are looking for? Tell us what you are looking for!

Need help?

We are happy to help you with any questions you might have.

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